The day was full of press, a photo shoot with the famed rock photographer, Tim Tronckoe (who I adore working with!), seeing old friends and super delish catering! And what about that stage set up!! Not to forget the Tribe who were out in full fierce!!! Max was also happy to see Glen Benton!
You know what’s so cool and fan-frikken-tastic? The Mayor is a huge contributor to the show!!! That’s beyond rad! We met Mayor Vincent Van Quickenborne of Kortrijk, Belgium, the previous time Soulfly played at Alcatraz. He was traveling this time, so he sent a rep to deliver Max a personalized city soccer jersey, and some fine chocolates and local beer for the band. Super unexpected and very much appreciated!!!
When the band hit the stage, the Ritual began! The pit, the sweat, the music, and the metal blended as one! The fans make the long work days worth it! Big thatnks yo everyone e who contributed to the day! Heck, outside the bus, I even sold Incite cds and Igor’s book, to some die hard Tribe members!

Class dismissed...