I must say, one of the strangest crowds we ever had at a Soulfly show was at the Running of the Bulls, in Pamplona, Spain! We travel to Spain often, as they love their Max. The fans are feisty as all heck, blacked out in Metal gear, singing and moshing like crazy! It's always exciting at the shows and you can count on a great reception!
This particular run was different than all the others. We first played in Madrid to a slightly smaller crowd than usual...."What's up," I wondered? The quick reply was that everyone was traveling to Pamplona for the bull running weekend. Bull running affects the Metal shows? Whoa! I was surprised for sure!
It just happened that this run was winding its way to Pamplona next, a city we don't play often. I admit I had my doubts about the turn out for the show. We did not arrive in time to watch the craziness, and instead, had to head straight to the club for load-in.

Class dismissed........