
Friday, November 13, 2015

GROWING UP METAL....Zyon and Igor morf roles....

2016 will be another year of Metal releases for our family. Incite just recorded with Steve Evett and they will have a smasher out in April. I am looking forward to this and I haven't heard a peep of a track yet!!! Jonesing.... Another surprise for everyone who collects all things Cavalera....there will be a new release for Lody Kong! The first full length, recorded nearly 2 years ago with John Gray (Primitive, Dark Ages, Babylonian Pandemonium, and many others...), will be released in the first half of the New Year! Long awaited and mysteriously kept a has only graced a coupe's not even allowed to venture out the arrest!!

Igor and Zyon (photo credit: Glen La Ferman)
When Zyon and Igor were small, they had their roles reversed. Zyon was the vocalist and Igor the drummer. Dana would jam the Deftones' advance cassette all the time with Zyon. After checking the band out live, Z really got his Chino portrayal down. I would tell Max, "when Z-Money hits the stage, you better watch out!" He was jamming!!

All day long, the two would be attracted to music! When they got tired of drumming and jumping to BORED, they would ask Max to do Picture Time. Max is a super good artist. He draws cartoon style and doesn't have to look at something to draw it. He draws on his memory. The early Picture Times were Ninja Turtles with chainsaw arms, or 5 headed monsters...mostly superhero mutants. When they discovered the Pied Piper of Metal, the drawings began to be band photos. I guess I will have to blog a few when I return home from the road..just for my Students!

Our home began to be littered with drawings of the Deftones and KORN. Damn, those drawings piled up daily! After the kids met more bands and began paying more attention to life, the drawings included bands like Fear Factory, Sepulltura, Napalm Death and zillions more. I have boxes and boxes of them stashed. Yes, yes, I will show you all one day! In the meantime, wait for the big announcement from our next generation!

Class dismissed...