Friday, October 11, 2019

GROWING UP GREEN!!! Wake up!! Wake up!! Happy Birthday to me!

First of all, thanks to the nearly 5 million students who have crossed our space corridor and took in a class or more!! You will never know the support and encouragement you have given me through the years, so let me send my green heart your way! That is a gift from every single one of you and my soul thanks you!!!! Yes, Today I am blessed to see another birthday, so I will keep this short and the party rolling!

Last night we all rocked hard in Flagstaff and today we carry the bash to Tucson! Who could ask for a better birthday than seeing Hatebreed, Prong and Incite!!! Spending the week with friends formwork and friend for life brings batches of laughter and reminiscing! Let's peak at the action!

We are pulling ourselves together....Richie, Shonda and my grandawg Sawyer are staying here....and heading to Tucson soon so be there if you want to share the fun!! Check out the live feeds on my page tonight and join the party!!!

Thanks to God for giving me Life and another year! Thanks to my family for always being there and for making my Life a dream come true! And thanks to our Tribe, for we are the biggest Tribe in the world, sharing the gift of unity through music!

Class dismissed.......